Where can I buy a whole wheat baguette?!
I'm looking for a 18 inch, 8 oz whole wheat baguette, but really, any whole wheat baguette or even french bread would be great. I've been to FoodMaxx and Safeway, but no luck. Does anyone know of any stores around Hayward/San Leandro, California, or any chain stores that sell something like it? Please and thank you... otherwise I'll have to make it myself. :/
What you have described is not a baguette but a baton, a baguette is 24" to 36" long, the dough is determined by law in France so if you make it from whole wheat it is no longer a baguette. Boring isn't it? However, the baguette made in the USA is made with whole wheat, as to your problem where to buy it, I cannot help except to advise you to visit a bakery rather than a supermarket.
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