What are some healthy, low calorie, filling breakfasts?!
Quick breakfasts would be great!
It is not what you asked, but all the dietitians I know advise a bowl of muesli or porridge served with milk for breakfast, with a portion of fruit and a cup of tea or coffee. They all say I should not skimp on breakfast, because it sets a body up for the day. I go right through the morning without needing a snack and often do not eat again until the evening.
Remember the tip: "breakfast like a king, lunch like a nobleman and dine in the evening like a pauper". Sumo wrestlers put on all that weight by eating and then going to sleep... Which is what many people do then wonder about the weight problems they have. I know I do! LOL!
spicey sour soup
bananas with pita bread
honey and oatmeal
steamed vegetables
coconut rice- a little of it
rice porridge
2 eggs over easy and a slice of whole wheat toast
shakes are always great..
yogurt with some nice fruit or nuts.. mmm