Are black chocolates safe to eat? I only eat white chocolates.?!
No it is.
Yes, actually in reality it is healthier for you to eat darker chocolates than milk or white chocolates. Dark chocolate contains more antioxidants in it, and studies have shown that eating a small daily dose of dark chocolate will help your cardiovascular system. it it can keep high blood pressure down, reduce the risk of clotting, which in turn will keep down your chance of having a stroke.
The darker the chocolate, the higher the cocoa content, also the more bitter it becomes. If you like a sweet chocolate, you may not like dark chocolate, it's not as sweet. it tastes more like cocoa powder that you would use for baking.
White chocolate is really only filtered dark chocolate.
Who the heck ever told you that dark chocolate was unhealthy?
Yeah, it's dark Chocolate and it has more nutritional value than milk chocolate or white Chocolate.
yes it would be called dark chocolates and they are actually healthy for you to eat in moderation they have antidioxidants in them