what is a filling snack to eat ?!
Eat a good breakfast of oatmeal or egg and multi grain toast etc.. How ever you also need to eat a good lunch. Breakfast wont last you to 6th or 7th period.
Inslcude whole grains, lean protien and vggies and fruit.
A nice large apple. My favorite kind is the Gala, it has good texture ( compared to Macintosh soft smoshy ones) and its a little sweet. Apples are really a good source of Fiber and Vitamin C. Fiber makes you feel full, pretty quickly.
An apple a day...
Get protein in the morning to keep you full for a while, such as a omelette. As a snack, bring some fruit or crackers or even those individually wrapped cheeses, as they're easy to tote around and they taste good.
Eat eggs, whole grain toast or bagel, and a fruit, llike an apple. For lunch eat a turkey sandwich, or leftover pasta, or whatever is at the cafeteria, and nuts (they're really filling).
have a balanced breakfast with a lot of carbs to get you through the day.... preferably oatmeal some fruits a bagel or muffin and that should last you a while
Popcorn. It has fiber so it keeps you fuller longer. Try any flavour. It doesn't matter.
depends on if you want it health or not