Is it true? Easy 10 points to best answer!!!?!
Go thin crust, extra sauce, extra cheesy. Should slide right in. Get the first inch and your pooper will do the rest of the work.
Well its true,however,if this does injure you-it most likley will-you are going to regret it possibly going to the e.r....but do what you like.if you are this excited,why dont you find a safer the way,if your friend wants to know so bad,cant THEY stick the pizza up there own butt??just least ask your doctor if its possible..or even google seaech it....good luck,you'll need it.0_0
My head ...common sense?or big fat,floating chickens.
I would suggest not trying it. Who knows you could have pepperonis and cheese stuck up there.
I would never try that. But if your friend John is a trustworthy guy, then go for it.
Maybe your "friend" John will help you. Make sure it's extra hot too!
Try it! It'll probably work.
Get a life
I'm curious as to why you're excited about this...but yes, thin crust will work better.