I just burp and my breath smells like booboo what should i do?!
Well a Couple months ago i had sone food from my school cafeteria and then after that discusting lunch i burp...omg im scared since then my breath been smelling like booboo/ S.H.I.T i been to the doctor and they just told me to floss and brush my tongue and i did it 10 times in a row evertime i wake up my mouth burns and smells bad !!!!! i even knock out my baby sister...and now i have to wear a mouth mass i cant even talk to my friends like i want to. and i cant even talk to my family in a REGULAR CONVERSTATION without them bafeing or wanting to SMACK me in my face and tell me to brus my DORN teeth i dont think i can take this any more... SUMONE HELP ME !
hahahahaha !!!!! hahahaha !!!! that just made my day !!!!!..
I don't know how old you are, but if you have had oral sex with a girl with bacterial vaginosis, it can be transmitted to your mouth. This sounds like that's your problem - IF you've had oral sex w/a girl who's infected. Go to the doctor.
Talk to a dentist about halitosis.