Who makes the best coffee?!
They are all equally good to me as long as they are not de-caf. I only drink it for the caffeine.
Medium/long, very thick, soft because I use good conditioner, straight or wavy depending on how I fix it, and dark brown/black in color with occasional auburn highlights.
Well, anyone could make a good coffee. But, I choose to have Luwak Coffee. You should try it once. :)
My hair? Well, it's suck.
my mum makes the best coffee and my hair a long wavy with a rich colour of a dark coffee brown lol with hints of natural redness in the sunlight and it "tumbles" all the way down my back ... lololololol my eyes are green :))))))))
Maxwell House?
My hair is long wavy/curly, and black with natural red, brown, and blonde highlights.
I make my coffee just how Iike it = )
Short, dark and awesome.
Speedway Coffee! :D
Blond long straight hair. With black underneath the blond hair. :D
My hair is long and wavy. It is a mix of red, brown, and blonde all in one.
Starbucks Vanilla Lattes. Long blonde straight.
Jail Inmates
Needs a fade.
I Think Nescafe Make The Best Coffee,
My Hair Is Long Blond And Curly.
straight dark brown.
A cup of coffee that is made by someone we love?
My hair? Natural brown!
Hmm, it's straightened, and I have side bangs
Donkin Donuts
my hair is my hair
Pilot has the best coffee IMO...
Long dark and flipped
Or if you mean over the world, has to be Cuba for where i've tasted :)
Starbucks lolxxx
Dark brown curly/wavy hair :D
Dunkin Doughnuts has the best coffe around
Dunkin doughnuts and my hair?....
I don't drink coffee,
And uh.. THICKKK!
I have no hair