Is there a marijuana recipe that doesn't involve actually cooking it?!
For goodness sake!
Why can't you guys just answer the question?
The active part of Marijuana (thc) is fat soluble so you can simmer it in hot milk or cream to extract it.
You can make a really good hot chocolate drink with it and pass it through a sieve, so no teabag needed.
No smell if you keep the temperature low.
Be very aware that ingestion is a much slower way of getting high, it is very very easy to overdose and get out of your depth if you get impatient and drink more because you think it isn't working.
I don't condone the use of drugs, but people should know the facts they need to keep them as safe as possible.
you can just throw it in there but you need to use half and half then strain it after boiling for a few minutes. it will however still smell just not as bad as if you just smoke it. you can do this with anything that uses dairy products like brownies and my personal favorite, ice cream..
m reporting you to the authorities right now this isnt a joke you have possesion of marijuna and you will be sentanced to jail i have added you *** a contact and i have your email im calling the police right now and im showing them ur email they will track you
THC is fat soluble, so if you wanted to cook with it, you need to fry it in a fat like butter or oil, like for pot brownies.
You can't make marijuana with a recipe.
The way to make it not smell is to not do it!