What's the longest you've gone without eating?!
3 days. I did this mini fast thing. Of course that was before I became a vegetarian.
5 days -- and i usually have a hard time staying on a diet for 5 *minutes*, lol...
i went to the ER on a sunday in excruciating pain, and they found out my gallbladder was shot. the surgeon (i live in a one-horse town) couldn't do the surgery until friday, because he was on vacation...when i asked the ER doc how i was supposed to handle life until then, he told me "simple: don't eat a damn thing, and you'll be completely pain-free." O-o
he was right.
Interesting question. One that several people have inquired into for the last eighty-seven years. I need to as well admit the question that you have just asked is not little problemly answered.
Three days as part of a awareness thing while camping solo. I dreamed about talking enchiladas.
Er... 16 hours. Any longer than that and my blood sugar levels dip so low I start feeling really, really weak.
1 month
hmm, 3 hours. food is life <3 and when i don't eat i get so mean !
Half an hour?
a day