Would you eat baked potatoes with salt, black pepper, and hot sauce?!
Everything tastes better with hot sauce, especially if it's Frank's hot sauce. I have tried it before, although I also had some sour cream on it, and it's really good!
No hot sauce or black pepper on the tater for me.i had a friend that her Doctor told her not to eat
Black Pepper that it sticks to your Gut,but use White Pepper in stead.she said the white tastes
like the black.i quit using black pepper,but i can use Tony's seasoning when it is cooked in the
foods.you can might can find the White Pepper at Wal-Mart or on the Web.hope this helps.
my own idea & friends RX
Hot sauce works best with cold food.
If you add hot sauce to hot food, then this can lead to painful burns inside the mouth. Because people wouldn't be able to tell the difference between hot temperature and spiciness. And they might eat food whose temperature is too high.
Never tried it with hotsauce. I dont like spicy things but i bet it tastes good!
I eat mine with
Cheese xD Pretty much any kind
Sour cream
And pepper
And sometimes if we have them little tiny bacon bits! YUMM!
no, i have never tried that, probably not something I would like but sounds interesting
That sounds TASTY, but I hate salt. Take away the salt and you got a deal =D
Hot sauce? I don't know. =S
I might try a bite of it, though.
no. i eat mine with hummas, yeast flakes, and salsa.
No, that doesn't sound good to me..
I'd try a bite or two... ;)