Filling things for breakfast other than porridge?!
I'm a big believer in adding a little protein for breakfast in order to sustain your blood sugar levels during the morning. Since your mom's allergic to eggs and you don't want to keep them in the house (although they would be perfectly safe in their shells and only YOU would have access to them) here are some other ideas:
1. Peanut butter on toast or english muffins
2. Cottage cheese and fruit
3. Canadian bacon
4. Tuna or ham salad on toast
5. Grilled cheese or cheese and ham sandwiches
6. If you're vegetarian, try some scrambled tofu (great replacement for eggs!) with cheese and green chilis.
7. Low fat or vege sausage
9. Protein Smoothies: 1 container greek yogurt, 1 banana, 1 T honey, 1/8 tsp cinnamon, 1/2 cup apple juice, 1-2 T protein powder (opt.)
10. Breakfast pizza: 1/2 english muffin topped with 1 T pizza sauce, 1/4 cup low fat mozzarella shredded, slices of turkey or regular pepperoni.
At any rate, enjoy!
Wholemeal toast with peanut butter
Wholemeal bagel with cream cheese and tomatoes
A banana and some cereal, preferably a non sugar one like wheat, and some natural yogurt
The most filling breakfast option is a combination of complex, high fibre carbohydrates and protein.
Weetabix,that,s very filling.If you are not on a diet then sausage,bacon,tomato e.t.c. (grilled of course) Beans on wholemeal toast.You can always add fruit to any cereal ,that would be more substantial.
Protein is filling
Cheese on wholemeal toast
Scrambled, poached or boiled eggs on toast or Bacon/ cheese omlette
soda bread
All bran Weetabix special K
Yoghurt with honey, chopped nuts and chopped banana
Strawberries topped with soy yoghurt.Wholemeal toast topped with mushrooms and tomatoes.
eggs, or egg whites to be even healthier are full of protein. whole grains for breakfast that has fiber also helps to keep you full.
Alpen - Kept me full for quite a while and tastes nice too
I find it fills me up longer than Porridge