Why would tap water stink? specifically outside of atlanta GA?!
im outside of atlanta in Duluth GA. three days ago the water out of the tap started to smell really bad. and it's not just at my home it's at my work, which is five miles away.
the water always had a differant smell to it but not a bad smell.
it's like a weird, body odor smell
i've been living here for about a month.
what could cause this to happen in the last three days?
the water always had a differant smell to it but not a bad smell.
it's like a weird, body odor smell
i've been living here for about a month.
what could cause this to happen in the last three days?
Could be sulfer or chlorine
Or, it could be a problem where debris is getting into the water (a broken pipe or flushing the system can cause that)
could be flushing the system. that causes discoloration and an odor here.
could be lots of things...in some areas it's natural gas.