Translate these expiry dates please!?!
07 JA 03
11 JA 15
Looking at the first one either way it's probably expired isn't it? I'd just hate to throw out 2 hardly used jars of coffee.
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One is manufacturing date other is use by date
work in food industry
If they're both similar coffees or from the same company, it's probably january 3, 2007 because if you look at the second one, there's no way it can be a 15th month because there isn't one so that one must be january 15, 2011 and therefore, if its from the same company, it should be january 3, 2007. either way, it shouldn't be bad even if its expired - it might just taste a bit different (may not be as strong). but the one from january 2011 should still be ok because it has only been 2 weeks. you might want to throw away the older one though.
Depends on the company, they all use different codes but I would reckon if it is printed BB followed by your codes, they mean 2003 and 2015.
january 3rd 2007 january 15th 2011 simple lol
Thefirst onee os a gonner.
Either way the second one is still fine, use it up.