Is a croissant 'better' than a donut?!
Taste wise, yes totally. It's so buttery, flaky, and delicious, while the doughnut is dough that's been fried and covered with cooked sugar.
Health wise, they both aren't to good for you, lol. But croissants are still my favorite :D
A simple doughnut from Krispy Kreme has 220 calories. A croissant wil usually have more.
A lot more, like 400.
From a carb view, get the croissant, at least there is no refined sugar in it. As for being fried, weel, enough butter in something makes it the same amount of fat....
both are about equally bad for you but if you have them in moderation its okay it just depends what your in the mood for
experience in nutrition
"Better" tasting? Or "better" for you?
Because they are both loaded with fat..
I prefer them. I'm not much for sweets, but the buttery flaky richness of a croissant curls my taste buds.
Theyre both ech