can you freeze yogurt?!
My husband was a big ice cream fan but he gave it up to try to be healthy. Then he discovered that yogurt could be frozen and now he eats that every day! He takes it out of the freezer to sit at room temperature for a few minutes before he eats it. It's like eating guilt free ice cream! You don't have to thaw it completely, just enough to get your spoon in it. It takes longer to eat it this way so you enjoy the treat longer! Freezing is not a health hazard.
I twill be fine to eat it just looks nasty. The do make a yogurt that is meant for freezing and you can also make you own with an ice cream maker.
My yogurt gets pushed to the back of the fridge and frozen most of the time. Just mix it up really well and it should be good.
frozen yogurt. you can freeze "go gurts" or whatever they're called
You can freeze yogurt.