Can I get suspended for selling gum off school grounds and the buyer getting caught at school with it?!
Say if I sold a pack of gum to my friend. The next day he brings that pack of gum to school and gets caught with it and says I sold it to him off school grounds. Can the school suspend or expel me for selling gum off school grounds but the person who bought it brought it to school? I mean once I sell it, doesn't that mean it is his and I have no responsibility for what he does with it?
if you are trying to refer weed as "gum" then, that will be taken to court. if your serious about it actually being about gum...your an idiot...
i feel like your refering to drugs and if they ask you say you dont do that shitttt and make sure you have nothing on you cause they are gonna search your locker you and your bag. your friends a doucheee for telling on you btw. bat his asss
I highly doubt it. Unless you're referring to drugs then you are safe to go.