What is the effective way to end premature ejaculation?!
Anything from sprays,pills,special condoms will never help you last longer in bed...
With the right information and training, you will indeed become a master over your ejaculatory reflex,last much longer than before, and give your woman an amazing sexual experience...
Here is a website about premature ejaculation, you can find the best way to cure premature ejaculation naturally...
I hope it can help u to end it quickly and last 30 minutes as soon as tonight...
Strengthen your penis by masturbating and bringing it to the point just before you orgasm and then stop and let it die down and then bring it back up to this point and then let it die down again.Repeat this several times to train it to withstand intense stimulation.Also you can do another exercise.While urinating in the toilet clench the muscle in the head of your penis to stop urinating for a few seconds at a time but not too long as this or t can be painful and cause damage.
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