If I made a hot-chocolate review website, would you use it?!
If I made a hot-chocolate review website, would you use it?
I would personally go around all the main supermarket chains, buy their Hot Chocolate, and then taste them to see if they meet my very high chocolate standard(I am a chocoholic). I will then put my unbiased findings(much like which? magazine) on my web site with points in various criteria(value for money, smoothness, e.t.c). I might then allow people to comment. Or is there already something simular I have not heard about?
Additional Details8 hours ago
And life is definitely not too short to worry about hot chocolate. Life is about enjoyment, and hot chocolate is all about enjoyment.
8 hours ago
Not just one Hot Chocolate- All of them. I do admit that this is just an excuse for me to pig out on Hot Chocolate.
i certainly would have a look how gutting is it when u want a creamy hot mug of the stuff and the brand u bought is minging