Vegetable soup left on the stove for a day, safe to eat?!
Vegetable soup left on the stove for a day, safe to eat?
It's been exactly 24 hours since I cooked vegetable soup in beef broth, left in the same pot on the stove from last night. It smells pretty much the same -- would it still be OK to eat after a quick boil?
Additional Details17 hours ago
I figure, if I can cook some food in a slow cooker for 8+ hours and it's safe, why wouldn't food left out be safe, too.
Chuck it out. Bacteria grow very quickly in cooked foods that are left at room temperature. Cooked food should not be left out for more than an hour or two. Reheating it won't get rid of all the bacteria and you could still get sick. As for food in a slow cooker, a slow cooker keeps the food at a warm enough temperature to inhibit the growth of bacteria.