What's for dinner? Better NOT include SPINACH...have you heard?!
What's for dinner? Better NOT include SPINACH...have you heard?
Remember last year?
Well, here we go again...
Salmonella finding prompts spinach recall...
A California produce company recalled bagged fresh spinach Wednesday after it tested positive for salmonella.
The recalled spinach was distributed throughout the 48 states and Canada and sold in both retail and food service packages.
16 hours ago
@ anoldmick
Hey you cultureless, obnoxious nimrod...this is a brand NEW alert.
And, can't you tell from some of the Answers that there are consumers who have NOT heard about this yet?
Idiot...please avoid responding to my Questions in the future.
Why don't we all just stop eating????
I swear, when are they gonna wise up????
Thanks for letting me know though because I hadn't heard until now!!