If you got shorted a nugget at McDonald's, The Rock was with you, and you could beat their as#, would you?!
If you got shorted a nugget at McDonald's, The Rock was with you, and you could beat their as#, would you?
The Rock could initially do all the work and after the
"Rock Bottom" and "People's Elbow", you could then jump in there and put the clerk who gave you your food in the
"Ankle Lock", put the grill person who forgot your last nugget in the "Crippler Crossface", and then slam a steel chair over the back of the manager several times as The Rock screams "Can you smell what The Rock is cookin, jabroni!?" while he shoves burning hot nuggets out of the deep fryer into their mouths.
If you and The Rock could do all that at that McDonald's for shorting you one nugget without you or him getting in any trouble whatsoever, would you?
yes and then me and Dusty Rhoads would go to pizza hut lay waste to the staff