What's your favorite desert?!
What's your favorite desert?
Im tired of my favorite and want to know what yours is.
Additional Details1 day ago
yummy...you are all making me very hungry.
1 day ago
Sorry about the mis-spelling. Bravo to all those who like a good teacher can see past the error and get to the point of the subject.
Ooooo favorite desert.. I can't choose just one. Might as well give you my short list:D
1. Strawberry-rhubarb pie w/ or w/o vanilla ice cream
2. Mixed Berry Cheesecake
3. Pineapple Pie (trust me it's really good..at least the one that my mom makes...you'd never think it was pineapple)
4. Crepes w/ Berries & small drizzle of chocolate syrup w/ tiny amount of whip cream
Yah. I know. Fattening. But who cares! Treat yourself with one of these like.. once every 6 months. =D And then walk it off.