Where can I buy FruitaBu?!
Where can I buy FruitaBu?
My kids absolutely love fruit rollup snacks, but they don't get them very often. I came across a new product in Woman's Day called FruitaBu....its basically a rollup, but made / organic fruit purees and has no added sugar. I have tried to find these at Walmart w/o any luck. Do you think that this product may be too new to be out in wide circulation yet?. OR if you can tell me of a store chain that def. carries this product...(that way I can just pick some up when I go out of town.....) Any info would be helpful! Thanks!
Try the organic section of the local grocery store. I also love them as a snack at work! I know Meijer has them, although they aren't the FruitaBu brand, they're some other brand, I think they might be called Flat Fruit or something like that.... If you don't have a Meijer in your area, then maybe look on Ebay stores. You can find anything on Ebay! Here you go! Click on the link below and it will take you right to it!