Coffee keeps you awake?!
Coffee keeps you awake?
I think not! I'm on my third cup and all I want to do is pull the cover over my head and go back to sleep? Any ideas on how I can stay awake? I swear if any one says crystal meth I will hunt you down and cut your heart out with a plastic spoon :)
Great gives an instantaneous lift, but quickly followed by a caffeine crash. If your body is not even feeling the lift that must mean your body has grown accustomed to the coffee and caffeine. Geesh! I like the ideas about going for a walk or some fresh air. If you're looking for beverages XS energy drinks are the best (Vitamin b12, 0 sugars, protein, low in calories, but high in vitamin b) and depending on the 12 variety flavors can have minimal to no caffeine. A great nutritional supplement to go along with the energy drink is called Rhodiola. The two together and your energized body and charged mind will NOT crash. Hench nutritional supplement! Keepin' the body strong!