Which is the Number 1 Cheese?!
Which is the Number 1 Cheese?
Nations get very partisan about their cheeses. I live in France and the french reckon they've got cheese taped.
Name me the ONE cheese you reckon is top.
And why
1 day ago
My bad. I wasn't clear. By Number one I mean "best" in terms of flavour, quality etc. I don't give a monkey's about sales volume.
Hundreds & thousands but you only ask for one so, it has to be:
Somerset traditional farmhouse unpasteurised cheddar.......:
The hard cow's milk cheese is made in the Mendip Hill's near the "Cheddar Gorge". To taste a hand-made, unpasteurised clothbound cheddar in which the cow's daily diet is fresh green grass, buttercups and daises is to taste a piece of magic. The bite is like chocolate,firm & yielding,the aroma is fresh, nutty,& savoury.Today there are only 6 cheesemakers who still make traditional clothbound cheddar.