Mint chocolate chip icecream is the best damned flavor on planet earth. Do you agree? :-)?!
Mint chocolate chip icecream is the best damned flavor on planet earth. Do you agree? :-)?
Who makes the very best? Thank you!
OMG! I remember the year mint chocolate chip ice cream came out - it was the summer of 1969, the same time as Man's first walk on the moon. We used to take our boat to Shelter Island, NY, and dock at Picozzi's. We were actually in Deering Harbor - a gorgeous little spot. Anyway, as soon as we always were safely in our slip there, I would run up the hill to the local drugstore/ice cream shop. In 1969, the owner introduced me to a new flavor - mint chocolate chip. Two nights later on July 20, 1969, I watched Neil Armstrong's historic walk on the moon as I was eating probably what was my 6th mint chocolate chip ice cream cone by then. I can honestly say I wasn't completely certain that summer which was more exciting - the walk on the moon OR mint chocolate chip ice cream !! (:0)=
OH yes, you asked who makes the best nowadays? They're all delicious, but I'd say eitherBaskin and Robbins OR Edy's !