Whats a good midnight snack while watching a great movie?!
Whats a good midnight snack while watching a great movie?
your favorite {>cracker<z> - chip,waffer,cookie`z`... And a great topping!?! for instance: peanut-butter ,cheese,deli meat-<-- to go on the cracker...Chips or tortillas -w- dip if you choose!?!. Make a HOT sandwhich !! -{Toast some bread& heat the sandwhich meat up!! oven or sove-top!?!to get it well done..Now if you're the correct age.. Have a cold beer with any of the above selections "under 21 not permitted"~!!!& if you have pizza on your mind this very minute !?! & still do'nt choose "IT" !?! ;-{ What are you BoThEriNg me for?? "GET ``a`` WaY~!!! lol `'R"r.r`r,r'.,.