Would this be healthy for lunch?!
Would this be healthy for lunch?
I stepped on the scale this morning for the first time in weeks and have gained 15 lbs! Needless to say - I was VERY upset! So I had an orange and water for breakfast and am thinking I will do a peanut butter and jelly sandwhich for lunch with some baked chips and water. I know I need to eat well rounded and everything. What I'm asking is - is peanut butter and jelly good for you? I've heard different things through the years and am confused.
Isn't that a rude shock! I've recently lost a bunch of weight but it took months and was a product of portion control
Peanut butter is a very good source of protein and would actually have been a better choice for your breakfast . Peanut butter on whole wheat would fill you up and keep you satisfied all morning. I'd go for a nice salad and some soup for lunch.
The jelly is only good for your soul.