Halloween party. I am thinking of doing a barf buffet for Halloween at a junior high.?!
Halloween party. I am thinking of doing a barf buffet for Halloween at a junior high.?
2 things from you please. 1 being a good name for a halloween gross food buffet. Barf Buffet, Fear Factor Buffet...something fun &catchy please. More importantly some edible food ideas. They are kids, but they are tough. I have done this before, but looking for some new ideas. I have done pickled pigs feet, tofu, sardines. someone told me of different ethnic foods. You know of any? Something gross, but not make them sick. THANK YOU!!
All you can eat Belch and Barf Buffet!
Pickled herring (fish, gross my gpa likes them), do a blender mix of things, like pickled pigs feat, sardines and fish eyes or something - and upchuck cocktail in a martini glass garnished wish a gummy worm. Sounds like fun, good luck!