Why is it better to eat yougurt with "live & active cultures"?!
Why is it better to eat yougurt with "live & active cultures"?
What is the advantage or what is the purpose? Just wondering...
Because then it goes through your system like Pac-Man destroying all the bad stuff that it can.
Actually here is the correct information =) It's very good for digestion and for lactose intolerant people in that they can eat it without doubling over in pain.
" Why should consumers choose yogurt with live and active cultures?
Researchers around the world are studying the potential attributes of live and active culture yogurt in preventing gastrointestinal infections, boosting the body's immune system, fighting certain types of cancer and preventing osteoporosis. More research must be done to establish a definitive link between live and active culture yogurt and these health effects, but the results to date are encouraging.
Additionally, the live and active cultures found in yogurt break down lactose in milk. This allows lactose intolerant individuals who commonly experience gastrointestinal discomfort when they consume milk products to eat yogurt and receive the nutrients contained in the milk product without the side effects of abdominal cramping, bloating and diarrhea."
(Quote is from an internet article~link below)