What is your favorite kind of ice cream???!
What is your favorite kind of ice cream???
Mine is haagen daz's Bailey's.
What is yours?
Answers: Haagen Daz's Chocolate.
Plain, simple, un-fussy and simply the BEST...to my palate! Pillsbury Cherry Garcia. Ben&Jerrys,any kind by them. as of my first taste of it - which was yesterday - and mind u, im preganant- ben and jerrys cinammon buns.
Before that - green mint choco chip magnolia d best Without any doubt vanilla ! it goes so well with anything from chocolate cake, apple crumble to pancake (great video recipe on http://www.cookshow.com/video-recipe/bri... H?agen-Dazs too Corn flavor my fav is vanilla........its white and it's pure heaven!!! I like vanilla 2. The kind my granma used to make on hot summer days when i was a kid in the late 50's and 60's Banana caramel crunch Mine would have to be Ben & Jerry's New York Super Fudge Chunk. Or Maggie Moo's cheesecake with cinnamon Teddy Grahams. Yum! Haagen daz toffee flavour is amazing!! baskin robbins Ben and Jerry's Half Baked. Mmmmmmmmmmmmmm Turkey Hill cookies n cream Purity Dairy Moose Tracks Ice Cream Butter Finger by Mayfeild! mine is edys french vanilla actually its my sisters mine is edys fudge brownie or turkey hill made it love coffee icecream too It's a toss up between Haggen Dazs Peanutbutter Chocolate Ice Cream and Ben and Jerry's Cookie Dough Ice Cream. I could eat both every day! :) Ben and Jerry's chocolate fudge brownie!!! Mint chip:) yum-yum. You have to try the Lichi ice cream. I had it in China. It is AWESOME! Fresh lichi is really good for breakfast, especially with dragonfruit.