What are some veggies/ fruit that are ripe in the fall?!
What are some veggies/ fruit that are ripe in the fall?
I live in the city and its hard enough to find good veggies and fruit that are ripe and not "painted" ripe in the summer and in the Fall and winter its even harder..so what are some ways to get goood veggies for that fall AND what are some good veggies and fruit that are ripe around the fall/WInter time ...THANKS!!
Additional Details1 day ago
I live in L.A. so i mean IN THE CITY...lol no farms around here : /
Answers: 1 day ago
I live in L.A. so i mean IN THE CITY...lol no farms around here : / Don't know where you live,but try to research farmers markets in your area-there should be tons of locally grown produce from around your area provided you live in the northern hemisphere. In the northern US right now we have ripe veggies:potato,late tomato,late corn,broccoli,late green beans,onions,peppers, cauliflower,cucumbers.Cabbage and cabbage type veggies like brussel sprouts are ripe now and will continue well after freezing temps have set in.Some people even prefer cabbage after a frost,as it sweetens the vegetable.Winter squash is ripe now-butternut,acorn,sweet dumplings.Pumpkins. For fruit-apples are ripe,also grapes.Don't be so wary of fruit and veggies in the winter-we live in a world of global shipping.It was grown somewhere in the world and shipped within hours of picking.Maybe you need to find a better supermarket for your winter produce. figs and pomegranates..........yum! cabbage, apples, carrots, swede, turnip, late tomatoes, potatoes, (lots of variaties of all of the above). mind you I am taking about england. Grapes are GOOD right now........SQUASH!!!!! Try all different kinds!