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What is.....?
What is venison???
I see it in alot of cooking programs it looks like a type of meat, it also seems very tender, although what animal does it come from and how can it be prepared???
1 day ago
Thanks all these answers are great... also where can i get it i dont think i have seen it at the local butcher
Answers: 1 day ago
Thanks all these answers are great... also where can i get it i dont think i have seen it at the local butcher Venison is deer meat and can be prepared in a variety of ways. I've seen it used in stews, grilled, roasted, made into jerky, ground up, and many others. Pretty much any where you would use beef you can use venison. Deer meat. Deer Venison is deer meat and it is so easy to cook that you can use it in stews or as a steak by itself because it cooks up so nice and tender. I am sorry to say though,that my mother cooked alot of venison while I was growing up,but I just couldn't bring myself to eat Bambi! :-( It's from deer. It's very lean...not much fat at all. It's pretty good, once you get over the fact you're eating Bambi. My brother used to lie to me and tell me it was hamburger. LOL