Marmite ? Marmite?!
Marmite ? Marmite?
What does marmite taste like? I know it's British though... I wonder what it tastes like?....
Answers: Marmite is dark brown-colored savory spread made from the yeast that is a by-product of the brewing industry. It has a very strong, slightly salty flavor. It is definitely a love-it-or-hate-it type of food.
Children in Britain are generally fed it from the time they are weaned, and most never grow out of it. It has a high B-vitamin content, as well as riboflavin and niacin—and as such is very healthy. (The vitamin-B complex helps prevent anemia.)
The most common use is as a spread on toast or in sandwiches. Note: it is generally spread very thinly because of its strong flavor—don't use it like jam.
Marmite is made from (greater quantity first):
* Yeast Extract
* Salt
* Vegetable Extract
* Vitamin: Niacin
* Spices
* Vitamins: B1, B2, Folic Acid, B12 Salty, beefy, tangy all at the same time. You love it or it or hate it. I cant stand it, it makes me puke. its really strong, you can only have a little bit on toast or something. either you like it or you dont, i dont think there is any way to grow to like it. personally i love it but most people i know hate it! It is a yeast extract, which is usually eaten on toast.
The Australian version is called Vegemite.
Tastes salty and beefy... It reminds me (smell, texture) of my cat's hairball medicine.
I don't like it, personally. If you grow up eating it though, I'm sure you would like it. If not though, it's a little bit funky. Marmite is sweeter than promite which is sweeter than vegemite. It tastes really salty, with a creamy beefy taste. Some have already explained quite well to you what it is.... and even though i am far from being British I like it. I even like the Australian version too.