Am I 1 in a million again?!
Am I 1 in a million again?
That hates whole wheat bread? It just tastes yucky. It may have a lot of fiber, but it lacks taste.
Answers: I doubt your the only one, sometimes people just would hate a certain type of food. Take my sister as an example, she prefers white bread than whole wheat. It would depend on a person's food preference any way. I bet there are a lot of them out there that shares your opinion on whole wheat bread. Do try other breads though, you might even find a personal fav! nope, you're not one in a million.
well, i don't hate it, but i certainly prefer white bread.
i eat whole wheat bread for the nutrition, but definitly prefer white. :) White bread is not good for you. What you like is not always good for you. No you have lots of company. I dont like the taste either and find that there are other types of bread that have fiber so I dont eat wheat bread. Try toasting it. Alot of people dont like it. I love whole wheat bread, especially Arnolds whole wheat.