Mexican enchiladas or a Big Texas steak?!
Mexican enchiladas or a Big Texas steak?
What do you prefer? Mexican enchiladas full of beef or a big Texas steak?
This one is for you Just Me :)
I would choose the steak done medium with a big potato with lots of butter. mmmm Additional Details
1 day ago
I know the feeling Samsonite.
Answers: 1 day ago
I know the feeling Samsonite. oh yeah darlin. i am a steak and potato gal!
yummy! we mustn't forget the wine.
my be a country bumpkin but I can appreciate a good wine since i don't feel like peeing out my butt all go with the steak both i think there both good enchiladas I lived in Az and moved to Vermont I miss real mexican food MmMm Food is good...uhm, depends on my mood really...i don't like steak that much I would go for the enchiladas. REAL mexican enchiladas with a green sauce, shredded chicken, melted cheeses, some beans, guacamole.....
Oh and they must be topped with cilantro and onions!
DELICIOUS!!! Enchiladas for me. I have this weird food aversion where I don't like gnawing on a slab of meat. Plus, Mexican food is just better than a plain ol' steak IMO. Steak, medium rare, potatoes (sauteed with garlic cloves, peppers, mushrooms, baby onions) a salad & onion rings