I'm tired, hungry, and got the blues... what should I eat?!
I'm tired, hungry, and got the blues... what should I eat?
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18 hours ago
Clare, I hate you. You obviously like torturing people. I'm going for a walk.... globs of cheese... melty ice cream on gooey pie... dang.
Answers: 18 hours ago
Clare, I hate you. You obviously like torturing people. I'm going for a walk.... globs of cheese... melty ice cream on gooey pie... dang. Chocolate for the blues -- sugar/carbs for the tiredness and hunger and some protein so you won't crash. Something healthy then go for a relaxing walk. food chocolate!!!
or chocolate ice cream. ICE CREAM!!!!!!!!!
Get a cone and go for a walk. Pizza and ice cream How about a big fat juicy T-bone with a baked potato loaded with butter, sour cream and cheddar cheese, and a nice fresh tossed salad. And, for dessert, a slice of hot apple pie with a big scoop of French vanilla ice cream melting all over it. salmon if u can overcome the initial depression of starvation u can get a trip. get every flavor of ben and jerrys then eat them all. Something warm like soup! Then sleep... trust me, you will feel better when you wake up :) Some fattening McDonald's... I know not healthy at all but taste some damn good Well I would recommend a salad with lots of veggies and some cheese and then a nice brisk walk. See the beauty outside count your blessings with each step when you get home you should be feeling pretty good about yourself. To make it even better ask a friend to go along with you. Smile somebody out there thinks the sun rises and sets in you!