How healthy is being a vegetarian?!
How healthy is being a vegetarian?
Answers: OK - as at least one of your answers says, it is fine as long as you ensure you are getting all the correct nutrients, proteins and vitamins etc. I have no issues about anyone being vegetarian, vegan or otherwise, but I just have to come back at some of the answers.
I have eaten meat all my life as part of my balanced diet. I go for a "well-person" check up every year and my cholesterol level is below average at 4.0, and all my other checks come back as excellent. So, being a vegetarian has nothing to do with it, its because I maintain a balance.
Secondly, what rot has someone written about us never being designed to eat meat?! Why do you think we have the teeth we have? We are designed to be omnivores (meat and veg) - if we were designed to be veggies, we'd have teeth like cows!
Be a vegetarian if it suits you, but please don't turn it into a crusade and ram it down the throat of the rest of us who actually enjoy eating meat occasionally. lower cholesterol than the average eater. welll lets see. i just had blood work done 15 minutes ago. been a vegetarian for over 15 years
Cholesterol:very desirable
HDL:very good
Glucose: normal
BMI: desirable yes it is very healthy to be a vegetarian human beings were never intended to eat meat. M.D it is actually very healthy but it also has disadvantages. you see, not all veggies are complete in nutrition so you must eat balanced food. you base it in the food pyramid If you do it right, it's quite healthy. But to do it right you have to focus on whole grains, fruits, vegetables, beans, nuts, mushrooms and other non-meats. If you become a vegetarian and eat white bread, candies, sugary snacks, potato chips, and other foods that qualify as vegetarian only in that they are "non-meat" foods, then you will be quite unhealthy. Vegetarian or omnivorous, it's all about making healthy and intelligent food choices.
Good luck! It is considered healthy. But just make sure you find other ways of getting protein!
It also depends on being a vegetarian vs a STRICT vegan...
Make sure you take vitamins of some sort to get all of the nutrients that eating meat would have given you. Depends on how you eat. Come on, anyone can give up meat but if they eat just cookies and chips they still aren't healthy. If done the right way, it is extremely healthy.
Vegetarians are less likely to develop potentially fatal diseases and conditions such as various cancers, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, diabetes and such.
As long as the person eats a well balanced diet of fresh vegetables, fruit, beans/legumes and consumes enough fibre, life is good.
~peace love & light~ it is health live NO!!!!!!!!
There are no health benefits from excluding meat in particular RED MEAT WHICH IS THE MOST NUTRIENT DENSE FOOD KNOWN TO MAN from your diet
The Cholesterol Hypothesis of coronary artery disease was proposed by a misguided researcher in the 1950's named Ancel Keys and is a COMPLETE SHAM.
Saturated fat restriction has REPEATEDLY FAILED TO LOWER CHD or total mortality in clinical intervention trials.
The experimental evidence to date does NOT support the anti cholesterol propaganda
Vegetables and fruits ARE good . Meat excluding is NOT