What is the best juicer on market?!
What is the best juicer on market?
I want to start eating drinking healthier- what is the best juicer out there n where u can find recipes
Answers: was looking for one and I found this artical in the
sept 10/2007 first magazine
they tested most of the Juicers on the market within the USA and there top picks were
L'Equip 215 XL Juicer
this is their opion
"This model was clost to perfection. Its frame didn't juggle as we juiced. The 3" feeding chute elemenated teh need to cut or peel, and it gathered pulp in an extrenal bin, making cleanup a cinch. It also yealded the driesp pulp and the most juice. all that and a six year warranty make it worht the price (130 usd) at http://harvestessentials.com
or 877-759-3758"
they did not have this one in stock because of the artical I read so I got their smaller one
I love it while it does not have as big a feeding shut it
gives you allot of juice and it also has an external plup container it is very easy to clean and can be put into a dishwasher.
Because of the warnity I would recomend
either one of these
as for recipes I have quit a few
some of them help with weight loss and others just taste good let me know what you are looking for
email me and I will pass on the recipes
if you are looking for ones that just taste good
I find mixing veggies with veggies
carrot is a good base as is tomato
I mix fruit with fruit
I found when I started that the juice was gassy I found that if you stir it most of the gas will come out
you will also find that the juice changes taste very quickly
so I would not make it up ahead of time
if you are making mixed veggies juices I would make a very little at time and make it from a base that you like as carrot and only add a bit of other veggie's at a time.
Do not go over board at first as it can cause bowel upset try one glass every day or every other day and work up to more
I found it very helpful to wash and peel the fruit and do the prep ahead of time and keep them in air tight containers in the fridge that way it was not allot of work so I drink some every day.
the artical I read also brought out that when we eat fruits and veggies we only get about 30% of the nutrients according to a study at UCLA but when you a good juicer you get 95% of the nutrients that is why juicing is soo good for you. Source(s):
first magazine
personal experience Here ya go, I hope this helps