What is a hog maul?!
What is a hog maul?
Answers: Down here in the South they're called hog maws... but same thing. Pig stomachs. it's a type of food. It's actually a hog maw...it's a pig's stomach.
In PA Dutch Country, we stuff them with a mixture of sausage, onions, and potatoes (and more, depending on the recipe). They are then roasted like a meatloaf. My hubby loves them, but nobody in our family eats the actual stomach (it's rubbery), just the stuffing. My brother-in-law, however, loves the stomach too. Not being familiar with the term, but really wanting to make a contribution, I can only speculate - Is it possible the reference is somehow related to my wife when she goes shopping? If you are correct with (maul) then it is the sledge hammer wielded by slaughterhouse employees to bash the brains out of pigs