What bread is better for you health, I like wholemeal but find it hard to digest sometimes.?!
What bread is better for you health, I like wholemeal but find it hard to digest sometimes.?
Answers: well, to a certain extent it depends on each individual person. on average though, i guess that whole grain or wholemeal would be the best. good for keeping u 'regular', and isn't wholegrain supposed to be healthy for your heart ? i'm sure that's what they say about it on TV in adverts for shredded wheat - and that's just all whole grain wheat.
as always though, there are some exceptions to the rule. if u have an intolerance to gluten, then any wheat based product will make u feel ill. also, i suffer from IBS. some people assume that if u suffer from IBS, u need to take more fibre in your diet - not true. about half of all IBS sufferers actually feel a lot worse for having a high fibre diet. i can't wholemeal / wholegrain bread as it makes my IBS ten times worse, which is a shame, because i actually prefer wholegrain bread to white bread.
perhaps u could alternate what u eat, so u don't over-do it on the wholegrain bread ? Source(s):
another idea would be to invest in a bread making machine. that way there won't be any added preservatives or other junk in your bread. i have a bread machine, and the bread is much nicer than anything out of a supermarket. only problem though is that it only stays fresh for 3 days maximum as there are no preservatives in it. try yeast free bread...thats always an easier to digest option! I have this problem as well so I get bread called the best of both - several bread companies make it. Hope this helps Rye bread is excellent. There is one called Volkenbrot, which can be bought in the supermarket. I used to eat this when I was growing up. Yum! It is made of whole rye grains. Try "Best of both". No bread is good for your health.
In fact some diets where people have a digestive problem, such as diverticulitis, or need to cleanse their liver, must avoid bread altogether. This is possibly due to the yeast/fermenting within your digestive system. If you have difficulty giving up bread, try a gluten, or wheat free type.
Bread is usually very difficult to give up, especially if you have eaten it all your life. Although you can easily adapt, if the bread upsets your digestion. Wholemeal is undoubtedly better, as it contains the whole grains. White bread does not use some of the healthiest parts of the grain.
I have the same problem as you - sometimes it's very difficult to digest wholemeal bread, especially if it's 'pure' - i.e. I find it easier to digest supermarket wholemeal bread which has other stuff in it.
Have you tried spelt bread. Pretty nice-tasting, though it can be expensive.
On a wider point, generally there is a lot of rubbish being put in bread to save money. Just look at the ingredients! The best bread, but also the most expensive, contains only the following: flour, water, salt and (sometimes) yeast. Of course, it depends on the bread as well, but for standard bread this is all that is actually necessary! The rest is money-saving cheats. Water aids digestion & waste elimination.... remember to drink at least 2 quarts throughout the day. Keep trying different bread until you find something to your liking. Have you tried gluten free bread? try polish bread it is very light and makes gorgeous toast!
also you may have wheat intolerence so try my favourate 'spelt' bread, in my local bakery you can buy honey and spelt bread it is lovely!
good luck! x As I only have home made wholemeal, I will naturally say home made wholemeal is better for your health, unless you have an intolerance to wheat or gluten.
Wholemeal absorbs more liquid, so make sure you drink enough and eat plenty of fruit and vegetables to help it on it's way.
If you're talking commercial wholemeal, check for additives. If you buy different brands, monitor your reaction and stick to the ones you know you're OK with. Wholemeal brown bread is better for your health as it contains a high fibre content. Any whole grain bread is good for you
you want to make sure that the bread is at least 1/2 whole grain.
if you want store bought bread Demisters has a great line
or try the made in store they have all kinds of whole grain
it is better to buy a variety of breads made from different grains to get different nutrients
make sure you drink plenty of fluids
or it can be hard to digest Brown bread, apart from wholemeal.
Also try bread made from grains...there are 7 grain breads or single grain breads.
Then there is the soyflour bread.
All these are good for your health. Try sourdough breads - you may find those a lot easier on your system, also worth trying the dark rye breads - you don't need a lot to feel satisfied and again they can be easier on the system.