What do you think is the difference between a shrimp and a prawn?!
What do you think is the difference between a shrimp and a prawn?
Answers: shrimps are what you get when you order prawns in a restaurant!!!!! Prawns are bigger. No, shrimps are smaller. I'm from America, so I call them shrimp (even the big ones!)
My boyfriend is from Australia, so he calls them prawns (big or small).
My vote is that it's a cultural thing. Shrimp or Prawn?
There is often confusion regarding the difference between a shrimp and a prawn. Physically they look very similar but there is one sure way to tell them apart. In shrimps or carideans the side plate of the second segment of the abdomen overlaps the segments in front and behind. Prawns, most of which belong to the family Penaeidae of the group Dendrobranchiata, have all the abdominal side plates overlapping tile-like from the front. A more fundamental difference but one impossible to appreciate in a single specimen is that female prawns do not brood eggs but shed them into the currents where they develop independently. It would therefore make sense to call all member s of the Penaeidae "prawns" and members of the Caridean "shrimps" and this is what most Australians do. King prawns and banana prawns are names understood in this continent for penaeids sold frozen at the markets. The tiny shrimps bought in cans or froz en are imported carideans. Confusion arises when we hear Americans refer to prawns as "shrimp".
xxR prawns are bigger and sometimes have the head attached shrimp is smaller than prawn
i hate prawn very much
but sometimes i forced myself to eat...haha No difference, Just depends which Country You come from.
Americans refer to it as Shrimp, Australians refere to it as a prawn or prawns. They are the same. In my area, If they are caught in salty coastal waters, they are shrimp.
If they are caught in river waters, they are prawns. Prawns look like a cross between a shrimp and a lobster. Their abdomens are narrower and legs are longer than those of shrimp. a prawn is bigger than a shrimp. i don't think there is any other way of knowing them apart, other than knowing from which specie group it comes from. As an Australian, may I answer it this way? A prawn is a crustacean you should be able to take several bites from. A shrimp is one of those tiny things that taste like plastic that you get on take - out pizza. (you need to be careful of these critters, you can accidentally inhale them, and get them stuck in your throat!) shrimp are from kent.
prawns are used in the game of chess.
a bit like infantry men Hi
A prawn wouldn't speak to you if you asked it THAT question
and shrimps would simper at the idea of being mistaken for a prawn