I've been dieting and tomorrow is a planned "cheat" day.?!
I've been dieting and tomorrow is a planned "cheat" day.?
What do you suggest I eat on my cheat day? I'm thinking more gourmet than cheap junk food. What are your favorite upscale desserts?
Answers: What about cherries jubilee? or Baked Alaska if there will be enough people to help you enjoy it (it doesn't keep)? or a nice warm piece of freshly made apple pie with cheddar cheese? Eat what you wake up feeling like eating.
I have been on the South Beach for ten days and went out tonight to celebrate and now I feel like I did not do any of the ten days at all. Be careful. How about the Chick-fil-a ice dream topped with chocolate syrup! banana custard is my favorite cheat 1 pecan pie, half gallon of mocha almond fudgle on top, enjoy