What's the difference between whole milk, heavy cream, and half and half?!
What's the difference between whole milk, heavy cream, and half and half?
Which has the most fat? Since it's called "whole" milk, does that mean it's 100% as opposed to 1% or 2%?
Answers: Whole milk is milk as it comes from the cow (with about 4 percent fat content) ... Half and half is half whole milk and half cream. Cream is the fat skimmed off the top of whole milk.
So, cream has the most fat -- 100 percent. It's what you turn into butter.
Half and half is in the middle -- 1/2 4 percent fat and half 100 percent fat.
Whole milk has the least fat -- 4 percent.
"Skim" milk is named for the process of removing the fat -- the fat is "skimmed" off the top and this is what's left behind.
Hope that helps! Heavy cream is creamy part the stuff they use to make butter or whipping cream. Half and half is just that half cram and half milk. Whole milk has usually been processed and there is no cream just milk fat. Hope that helps you. Whipping cream makes the best cream soups and if you add sugar and whip it you do get whipped cream and half and half is good in soup or coffee or tea or on fresh fruit.