I don't smoke pot anymore, however I still get cravings what do you think?!
I don't smoke pot anymore, however I still get cravings what do you think?
fuya Additional Details
8 hours ago
sorry can't that part of my life is over
Answers: 8 hours ago
sorry can't that part of my life is over try chocolates. Dude, smoke it again. It's so sweet. i am a recovering addice to cocain and for the first 2 years i still had cravings. what i had to do was change my craving attion to something eles like cleaning house or cooking. i have been clean 4 years now and i dont ever want to look back. good luck. it is nice to be sober. I used lemon, lime,oranges, mouth wash, toothpaste and walking. It helped me over my hump. and I had to stop hanging around the places that people smoke pot.
Best of luck. You can do this if you choose to continue. I used to smoke up alot, but found that smoking up is more of a state of mind than anything else. I haven't smoked up in about a month...I just got sick of it. Try to stay out of enviroments where people are toking & I think with a bit of willpower, you can remove those cravings...Good luck with that... Just make sure you eat healthy low fat munchies. ie raw vegie sticks and dip or fruit/cheese platters. You will get used to not smoking and your cravings will drop after time.