How are Cranberry and Grapefruit juices different ...?!
How are Cranberry and Grapefruit juices different ...?
... from other fruit juices? And why are you told not to take grapefruit or cranberry with certain prescribed medications?
Answers: Both have significant nutrition benefits:
Cranberry Juice contains powerful nutrients called proanthocyanidins, referred to as PACs, which research suggests help keep certain bacteria from sticking inside the body.(1,2) And the PACS in cranberries are different from other fruits, which gives them more “anti-stick” potential. They also have something called antioxidants, like flavonoids and vitamin C, which helps to strengthen the immune system. (3,4) In fact, cranberries have more naturally-occurring antioxidants per gram than most other common fruit.(5,6,7)
Grapefruit Juice- Just half a grapefruit provides a full day's supply of vitamin C and is a good source of fiber and vitamin A. Wholesome, fiber-rich, water-filled foods like fresh grapefruit have an additional benefit-they fill you up for a longer time with fewer calories than many snacks. Fresh grapefruit also contains pectin, a soluble dietary fiber contained in the juice sac walls and white membranes, so make sure you eat these parts as well.
The reason why grapefruit juice is a problem for people taking certain drugs is that grapefruit juice (unlike any other citrus juice) inhibits two enzymes that are important in metabolizing, or breaking down, these medications. When the enzymes aren't doing their job, much more of the drug in question remains available to enter the patient's bloodstream, and in some cases, this can have dangerous, even toxic, effects.