My mom wants 3 apples and I dont want to bring them to her?!
My mom wants 3 apples and I dont want to bring them to her?
why? am I bad, she can get them herself? I hate shopping period I HATE IT!!!! I am 1 woman in 6 billion that hates to shop!
also am I a MAN'S dream come true?
Answers: That is your mom...You should do anything for your mother. I am sure she did or does a lot for you. Just look what she did to make you a man's dream come true. That is your mother. I think you need shock therapy to help you think more coherently. And eat more apples! If you can't get your mother three apples, you're nobody's dream. I don't like doing things for people sometimes, but I was raised that if you can help your parent you do it.
I don't like shopping unless there is something I want.
Do you have any children of your own?
I do.
and I want my children to help me when I need them
You need to do some priority checks. OK DONT GIVE YOUR MOM APPLES GIVE HER BANANAS. AND IF YOUR A MANS DREAM COME TRUE HOW WILL YOU COOK FOR HIM? i like to shop cause its fun! Nice daughter you are!!!!!!!!! She's just asking you a favor.
It won't hurt you to go get some for her. I don't think you are a man's dream come true to hate shopping.
My Aunt is not into shopping either.
Her Husband likes shopping cuz he works at a suit store at a mall.
Shopping isn't so bad. All you are getting are some apples. This question is an example of what happens if you give a monkey a keyboard. It sure isn't Shakespeare, but exactly what you would expect from a monkey...
Unfortunately, there is a great deal of that on here. you should buy her 30 apples. ps: the tag line to your question made me laugh This is the woman that was in labor for gosh knows how long, giving birth to you, and all she is asking for is 3 apples. I'm just joking with you. :) I'll do the shopping for you my dear and you are my dream come true, even if your avatar seems to have disappeared. Like my grandma said: Bad daughter, bad wife.