Is it okay to eat coffee creamer?!
Is it okay to eat coffee creamer?
My dad says I'll get sick, but I don't think so. I know it's unhealthy, but will I get sick if I eat it?
How much will it take to get sick from it? Additional Details
9 hours ago
How much is very much?
And yes, by itself. I tried some. It's delicious.
Answers: 9 hours ago
How much is very much?
And yes, by itself. I tried some. It's delicious. No, but it has ton's of calories in that stuff, and you will get fat!
You can also get constipated.,, like in your coffee?!?!?!?!? i dont see y not----> unless your just eating it by the spoonful because too much of ANYTHING will make you sick
p.s. doesnt that stuff taste nasty by itself?!?!?!? only a few bites would make me sick if it was all I ate. good luck. maybe you just like the taste. Try other stuff. It will make you sick if you eat very much. yes sure .. u can ...