Has anyone ever drank a full bottle of after shock in one day?!
Has anyone ever drank a full bottle of after shock in one day?
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9 hours ago
i asked the person and it was me who drank it i was good the next day but i was on holiday without my kids and it was fun and i had been drinking it all day not in the one go
Answers: 9 hours ago
i asked the person and it was me who drank it i was good the next day but i was on holiday without my kids and it was fun and i had been drinking it all day not in the one go yes with u on Holiday i had the blue one u had the red one OOOoohhh I doubt it
maybe its your bed time Jim Beam yes..after shock?..not that I recall.. nearly...about 3/4's....didnt have any effect on me...but then im hard mate.....lol Probably. Now ask if the next morning they were glad they did. yes and even tried to get the crystals about of the bottom...but that was 10 years ago in high school... Yes I have and I lost a full day really I have no recollection of that day I could have done anything, sort of like sleepwalking. No, because I'm not that much of a twat What is after shock? susan that would be a schoolboy error