Do gatorade bottles look like penises?!
Do gatorade bottles look like penises?
snack wraps 4 life. Additional Details
18 hours ago
cover the lid and look at it.
17 hours ago
obviously joking you dumb people.
but look at this.
Answers: 18 hours ago
cover the lid and look at it.17 hours ago
obviously joking you dumb people.
but look at this. It's a crazy consiparcy, but yes, they do. Source(s):
Wiki Hmmm, now that you mention it. It depends on what country you are from. In the USA they don't look like any penis I've seen. Obsessed, aren't we? No Maybe enlarged ones. They are pretty thick. There are other things that look more like penises, such as some suntan lotion bottles. I think the manufacturers do it on purpose, maybe not with the gatorade though. That's a real penis obsession.